Choosing a fragrance is a highly personal endeavor, but the reward of finding the ideal scent is well worth the effort. In the same way that your wardrobe is an expression of your style and personality, your fragrance should be as well. Consider this a no-nonsense guide that will provide you with all the background information you need to make a well-informed selection.

Before setting out on your search, it’s important to consider what you want out of a fragrance. Do you want a light everyday wear or something more distinctive? Will you be wearing it to work or only when you’re out on the town? Asking yourself these questions can help you narrow down your choices from the outset. The most important part of the process comes down to trial and error. You will probably have to try several different scents before finding one that just feels right.

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Tags: comme-des-garcons, maison-margiela, maison-martin-margiela, perfume, le-labo, byredo, fragrance